Future Tech Skills Inc
A division of IT4Nonprofit
While we can assist non-profit organizations in their strategic roadmaps and cost planning, we are not equipped to support their day to day operations. While we have future plans to open a Network Operations Center (NOC) to provide this kind of support, we would more importantly want to train up the next generation of Technical Leaders to take the torch into the future. That’s when the idea of providing technical scholarships was created.
The board at IT4NP decided to expand the current not-for-profit and add a ‘doing business as’ name, well, because ‘IT4Nonprofit’ doesn’t exactly spell out ‘Training Future Tech Leaders’. The name ‘Future Tech Skills Inc’ was chosen as it is concise, and we think provides insight into our mission:

We want anyone who is interested in a technology related career to have the opportunity to learn and succeed without having to spend thousands on training. Our goal is to provide training and mentoring to all who are in need and may not have the means to afford it, while allowing enough flexibility to work around their schedules. It is our calling to train and mentor others to embark on a new and rewarding career in the technology industry.
Our hope is that those we train and mentor will become future FTSI trainers and mentors, because that is a goal worthy of our investment.